* Sorry, we are not able to offer ASA101 Basic Keelboat Sailing. ASA101 must be taken on a keelboat of approximately 25 to 35 feet length, which we do not currently have in our fleet. Please check the internet for sailing schools near you to complete this basic prerequisite.
Listed below are the prerequisites and descriptions for each available course. Each certification requires participants to fully satisfy both knowledge and skills standards, which will be verified through a written exam and an on-the-water practical exam. Obtaining sailing education is an important step toward a lifetime of sailing enjoyment, yet education is just part of the process. ASA highly recommends that each certification level be augmented with a minimum of 24 to 40 hours of practice in between courses. All participants are encouraged to become proficient in swimming, first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Prerequisites: Basic Keelboat Sailing (ASA101) certification
Description: Demonstrated ability to skipper a sloop-rigged auxiliary powered (outboard or inboard engine) keelboat of approximately 25 to 35 feet length by day in moderate winds and sea conditions. Knowledge of cruising sailboat terminology, basic boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, docking procedures, intermediate sail trim, navigation rules, basic coastal navigation, anchoring, weather forecast interpretation, safety and seamanship.
Prerequisites: Basic Keelboat Sailing (ASA101) and Basic Coastal Cruising (ASA103) certifications.
Description: Demonstrated ability to skipper a sloop-rigged, auxiliary powered keelboat (or catamaran, if course is conducted on such) of approximately 30 to 45 feet in length during a multi-day cruise upon inland or coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds (up to 30 knots) and sea conditions. Course is conducted as a live-aboard cruise of at least 48 hours. Knowledge of provisioning, galley operations, boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, routine maintenance procedures, advanced sail trim, coastal navigation including basic chart plotting and GPS operation, multiple-anchor mooring, docking, health & safety, emergency operations, weather interpretation, and dinghy/tender operation.
Prerequisites: Basic Keelboat (101) and Basic Coastal Cruising (103). The Bareboat Charter Standard (104) is also a prerequisite and can be attained either by itself prior to BBC Multihull (114) or in conjunction with BBC Multihull (114). In either case, all material in both standards (104 and 114) must be taught and tested before 114 can be awarded.
Description: An advanced cruising standard for individuals with cruising experience. The individual can act as skipper and crew of a 30-50 foot multihull sailboat by day in coastal waters. The standard includes those skills unique to a 30-50 foot multihull.
You book a charter with TMM. TMM will supply the ASA Instructional Skipper for all or part of your charter, depending on the need, usually a minimum of 3 days per course. Our minimum charter length is 5 nights. The cost of an ASA skipper is $250/day, not including his/her meals, beverages, and optional gratuity. Your certified ASA Skipper will sail with you and your guests 24/7, teaching you along the way. The homework, reading, and exams will take place on your yacht. Once you complete your charter we will assist with submitting paperwork/exam results to ASA. You will receive your certification by mail once you return home from your charter.
Participants are required to become a member of ASA prior to certification. There is a one-year membership fee of $45.00 for each person wishing to take the course(s). You must sign up individually with ASA to obtain this membership. Please follow this link to join:
ASA Instructor fee - $250.00 per day, plus food/beverage and optional gratuity
ASA 103, 104, and 114 - $15 exam fee
ASA Membership fee - $45.00 per person as outlined above
Textbooks (bring with you) ordered by you from the ASA website
ASA Log book (bring with you or purchase at TMM for $10.00)*
Order your textbooks online at the ASA website to study at home prior to your arrival. TMM does not stock any ASA textbooks our BVI base! Therefore, be sure to bring your textbooks and log book (if you already have a log book, otherwise one can be purchased at TMM when you arrive) with you to the BVI.
TMM has a supply of exams for each course, the cost of which will be added to your folio based on which course(s) you are taking. You and your captain will decide when to take the exams which will be taken on your yacht sometime during your charter.
For more information on ASA courses provided by TMM, please call 1-800-633-0155 or email charter@sailtmm.com.
All information is believed to be correct but not guaranteed.
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